Please note:

This FAQ entry is intended exclusively for customers who have been directly referred by our support team.

A detailed guide for HWiNFO may be found below, to ensure that the correct information is gathered

Step 1:

The download link may be found here.

Step 2:

After starting HWiNFO a checkmark should be set on "Sensors-only" (it should already be done by default).

Should HWiNFO report an error on a specific sensor, then please deactivate the mentioned sensor:

Step 3:

A button with a green "+" may be found in the bottom-right corner, please click it to start the capturing of the sensor data.

Step 4:

Please save the data on the desktop, this makes it easier to find later. The name should be the ticket-ID (the ticket ID may be found in the subject of your e-mail conversation).

Step 5:

Please continue with the guide for Prime95.

Step 6:

After 30 minutes, please click the button in the bottom-right corner to stop the recording of the sensors.

Step 7:

Afterwards, HWiNFO may be closed, and please send us the .CSV-file for evaluation of the results.